Monday, March 8, 2010

Firsts in Idaho

We went to visit my parents in Idaho this past weekend. The kids had school off on Friday so we drove up Thursday after school. It was my first trip without my husband since I was pregnant with ET.

Friday and Saturday, the kids got to help with some chores. While we were getting a burn pile together, ET saw some blueberries:

But he wouldn't eat them until they were washed. My dad had a great laugh telling him he was looking at deer poop.

Then he let ET burn the pile.

The next morning, my dad was doing his back exercises and Munchkin joined in.

I didn't get any other pictures of anything since Squirt decided that she didn't like anyone else there and would only be happy if I was holding her. So I tried to help cut and stack branches by sitting on the ground (with Squirt on my lap) and having my sister bring the branches to me so I could trim them. It wasn't very effective.
But all in all it was a fun trip...except for the driving up there through snow and rain for 5 hours! But the kids did great in the car. Hopefully our next trip goes a little something like this!

1 comment:

The Rose Family said...

yea-- you survived the trip. Now you can just relax...yeah, right. Looks like Munchkin has better form than dad. Ruby loved the pictures and has the David book memorized now. Thanks!